Bridal Spotlight: The Bridal Shower
I had two wonderful bridal showers hosted by my Aunts! There was amazing food, conversation and walks down memory lane!
A few tips for a registry when it comes to YOUR bridal shower & what to ask for!
1) It helps to narrow it down to 1 place for people to shop so that it’s not confusing or a task to get you a gift
2) Try to check your registry every so often, update it, change things out and really narrow down what you need vs what you want
3) The registry can be fun!! It doesn’t have to be all things that have to be ‘serious’ or must have right away for the home!
We chose target! What doesn’t target have that I would want :D
I registered for everything under the sun, from sheets to kitchen to cleaning supples - trust me, when the gifts roll in, it’s like adult Christmas!
One of my bridesmaids!