Dreamy Bride and Groom 1st Slow Dance Songs!
Hello Gorgeous Brides!
Oh, how we dream about our first dance with our new husband at our wedding reception!
I am sharing with you today 5 of my most favorite romantic songs!
There are so many great songs to choose from.
The song Honeymoon I came across from a YouTuber Leigh Ann Says. She makes fun videos based on the clothes she buys and she just moved into a new house and shares that too! She used this song at her wedding.
The song Turning Pages I came across when watching the Twilight Sagas movie Braking dawn Part 1. Bella was walking down the aisle when the song started. From then on it was on my list to play at my own wedding some day!
The song I’m Gonna Be I came across when I was looking up other songs to play at a wedding! I loved this so much too I added it to my playlist.
The song Can’t Help Falling In Love I came across when I was looking at Elvis Presley’s version and this song came up. I knew I loved this version as much as Elvis Presley’s!
The song Northern Lights I came across watching the Twilight Saga movie Braking Dawn Part 1 when Jacob was holding Bella’s new baby girl and this song came on! I loved this song more than any others I have shared today because of how much it means to me!
I hope you enjoyed learning my five favorite slow songs, and I hope it helped with your choices of songs to play during your first dance with your new husband!
What is your favorite first dance song?
-XOXO Lainey
Courtesy of Medium.com - What does the first dance at a wedding symbolize?
Song: Honeymoon by artist Johnny Stimson
Song: Turning Pages by artist Sleeping at Last
Song: I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) by artist Sleeping at Last
Song: Can’t Help Falling in Love by artist Haley Reinhart
Song: Northern Lights by artist Cider Sky