Vendor Spotlight: Jessica Newton Photography

By Sophie Fleetwood

Vendor Spotlight Category: Photography

The Vendor: Jessica Newton

Social Media: You can find her on Facebook at Jessica Newton Photography



Jessica Newton

About the Vendor: Jessica Newton is originally a southern belle that moved to the great state of Indiana in 2013. She has a great passion for capturing real life moments on camera. Her sessions are not limited to engagement photos. Jessica also does family, maternity, newborn, and wedding photos as well. Jessica has a beautiful family consisting of her husband and two sons. She has been in the photography business since 2011, giving her years of valuable knowledge and experience.      


Photo by Jessica Newton Photography


One thing that stood out to us about Jessica immediately is that on her About Me page, she says, "Preserving real moments of real people is what I love, and this is my dream career." Her excited attitude about what she does is how we want all of our vendors to feel and we are proud to have Jessica Newton on our website as a part of our Indy Wedding Vendors.

Photo by Jessica Newton Photography


So, we wanted to catch up with Jessica and show our brides a little more about who she is as a person and a photographer! Keep reading to get to know her and for a short Q&A with the expert herself! 


Jessica Newton has been shooting and capturing special moments for over 5 years. She also created her business and became a professional photographer three years ago, so she's definitely had plenty of time to build a beautiful portfolio! In this blog, we will be sharing some of those photos with our Bride2B's!


Photo by Jessica Newton Photography


We decided to ask Jessica some questions that we felt would give our brides a better picture of who she is and what her business is about.


Why are you passionate about photography?

"Gosh, for so many reasons! I'd say that the biggest would be it's ability to preserve life. Simply put, it's memory preservation. When I look at a picture, I want it to represent the actual memory that I have of that exact time and place. The hazy airy memories of life events that often get lost due to the busy-ness of the day. The little itty bitty details that we often overlook due to their simplicity. The crazy and creative mundane of every day life that we think nothing of until it's gone. Simple and beautiful memories are why I'm passionate about photography."

 Photo by Jessica Newton Photography


What’s a fun fact about you that your clients may not know?

"Before I became a photographer, I was actually going to college to become a Forest Ranger! Even though I discovered the path of photography instead, I am still totally in love with all things outdoorsy."


What sets you apart from other photographers?

"The biggest difference that I've found between myself and other togs, is my minimal and relaxed style. I'm not a gear person, or a technical person, but I am definitely a people person. I like to photograph my clients just as they are, while using a simple and colorful editing style, to make them look their best. I don't "photoshop" people in to settings, airbrush fake skin, or use bazillion different lenses and cameras, though I've tried all of these things in the past. I guess you could say that I just like to keep it real."

Photo by Jessica Newton Photography


What was one of your proudest moments in the wedding industry?

"One of my proudest moments thus far, was when one of my images made to an article on the Huffington post a couple months back. Self doubt has always been a battle for me and I often wonder if I'm good enough or doing it right. I fight constantly to make my work better and to improve on the skill sets that I've gained and I can never seem to be completely satisfied with my work. Having that image posted gave me an extra boost in my self esteem and reminded me, that even though there is always room for improvement, I'm doing just fine."


Do you have a favorite place to take photos?

"Yes! Outdoors! Here, there, everywhere. All. The. Time. One of my all time favorite locations is a local rocky quarry, that I love to venture out to just before sunset. It has a lot of warmth and versatility, with speckled purple and green rocks everywhere, and the benefit of both woodsy terrain and water to play in. Many places to hide for a private moment or two and some gorgeous, unique photographs."


What is one of your favorite memories of working with brides?

"This one is hard to narrow down because I've shared a lot of precious moments with a lot of great ladies over the last few years. I think a favorite for this year that comes to mind was from a very recent wedding. A bride and myself were having our final meeting together for her itinerary prior to her wedding. We were mulling over our coffee and she informed me excitedly that she had just found out that she was a perfect match for her father, for his kidney transplant. And that just after her honeymoon, she would be donating a beautiful and healthy kidney to him. Needless to say, her wedding day was very emotionally charged. The first dance with her father came, and there wasn't a dry eye in the venue. They twirled, and laughed, and cried, so thankful for their journey together. I was watching them bare their souls to one another. To be a part of a moment so real and so special is absolutely invaluable. And I'll be forever grateful for having been allowed to play a part in this wedding day. Just last week, she and her dad were both discharged from the hospital and doing well!"


Photo by Jessica Newton Photography


What inspires you?

"My friends and family for sure. My little ones spin around me in circles most days, and it seems that we are always on the go to the next scheduled activity. Somehow in the midst of all the craziness that is life, my husband manages to juggle his own career as well as help me juggle mine. Our family members are always there to help us watch our littles in last minute emergencies or schedule changes due to the nature of our careers. Our friends keep us sane, reminding us that we are parents and also people. And of course our two littles. They are the reason that I gained any interest in how to work a camera in the first place and I literally would not be where I am today without them."


What is the best piece of advice you could give to our readers?

"Relax, and enjoy your wedding day. Easier said than done right? There are so many things going on and so much to do, it's almost impossible not to stress. Trust your family, your friends, and your vendors. We are here to make your big day a success! Things go amiss, "must haves" get forgotten, people get sick, boutonnieres break, rainy days happen, etc. But the silver lining? Know that the best can come out of the worst. The BEST wedding photos come from rainy days, because of the soft lighting that is only available when there has been a downpour. Your day will be absolutely perfect. Just smile and remember that when the day is over and done, you're married to the one of your dreams! That, and you'll have some kickin' photos in a few weeks!"


We hope you've enjoyed getting to know Jessica in this post! If you're looking for a photographer, don't forget to check out Jessica Newton! She is sure to create some beautiful photos for you on your wedding day!

Sophie Fleetwood